About Us

About Safety Management and Training, LLC.

Safety Management & Training is a professionally run Safety Consulting Firm since 1997 that looks to relieve “your pain and suffering” when dealing with:

  • OSHA Compliance work
  • Worker’s Compensation costs
  • Employee Training
  • OSHA Inspections
  • Accident Investigations
  • Facility Reviews and Construction Site Inspections
  • Written Safety Policies
  • Infrared Thermal Scans

We serve public and private sectors from Federal Agencies to small firms with the goal of eliminating employee injury through education and auditing.

Our focus is keeping costs down and often times our fees will be offset by your business managers and supervisors not having to do any work in research/preparation/execution of safety programs. Your other cost savings can come from lower liability costs, lower worker’s compensation insurance costs, and hopefully less “down-time”.

Our familiarity gained from working in many different sectors and projects combined with many years of quality service will bring your company a true value added service. Our years of experience in OSHA training will mean the direct message will be professionally delivered for complete compliance.

Ted Flynn, the owner of Safety Management & Training, holds a BSE from UW-Whitewater in Occupational Safety, an AD from Blackhawk Technical College in Fire Science, and was a Firefighter / Paramedic for the City of Janesville for 21 years.

Our years of experience in trying to prevent injuries in conjunction with responding as a professional to 911 emergencies; are brought together for your business to learn from what most people can identify with.

Please call us at 608-490-3448.